About us
The company facilities are completed by about 2.000 m2 of warehouses for vehicles, machineries, and work activities, 500 m2 of photovoltaic greenhouses for self-production of electricity; 7 hectares dedicated to mother plants and varietal collection to allow the growers to appreciate directly in the field the new varieties and to make the right evaluations ensuring the best investment for their company. In the last years VIVAI FORTUNATO have identified professional figures within the company that, thanks to the continuous updates with special vocational training courses, ensure the highest quality of the nursery plants. Most of plant production, seedlings and rootstocks, is in the field, together with micro-grafted plants in jar.
VIVAI FORTUNATO guarantees to the grower the possibility to plan his investment and to proceed with plantation any time of the year. Almost all the fruit varieties multiplied by VIVAI FORTUNATO are exclusively granted by the biggest world breeders and editors. Currently Vivai Fortunato are committing many resources to achieve new goals and enhance the existing ones:
– product traceability Vivai Fortunato use advanced IT systems for the management of all the production processes of each plant ensuring its genetic traceability and health;
– certification system Vivai Fortunato work within the Italian voluntary certification scheme – QVI – Qualità Vivaistica Italia, founded and managed by the Italian Ministry of Agricultura, which represent the extra quality to the EU Certified category. All the production, include those classied as EU Certified and the C.A.C. standard, are monitored and checked by the Regional Plant Health Service
– implementation of new mother field: in 2023 a company belonging to the group of Vivai Fortunato planted a mother plants QVI certified field, authorised and recognized by the Regional Plant Health Service which taking controlled and free from harmful organisms transmitted by plant propagating material for stone fruit species- apricot, cherry, almond, peach, plum and olive tree.
– Environmental Improvement: soon, VIVAI FORTUNATO will provide:
>– the implementation of new photovoltaic systems aimed at reducing CO2 emissions with a further decreasing of costs due the use of energy coming from renewable sources;
>– the building of a cold room for the storage of plant propagating material, ensuring health and quality of the plants and optimizing the times of delivery;
>– the extension of covered structures with advanced technological systems for the productions of potted plants;
>– the introduction of codified systems for a continuous monitoring of the various production processes to supply customers with a complete traceability for each product.
– These are the aims of VIVAI FORTUNATO, a nursery always open to new projects and new technologies to produce excellent quality material to fully satisfy the necessities of the growers, leading them toward to the best choice as far as the market demands are concerned. However, the whole with a particular attention to the phytosanitary status of the plants to ensure the production of healthy material, through repeated and continuous analysis carried out by the company.
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Ragazze preparatissime e di grande cortesia. Complimenti! More Mirtilli e Uva Spina promosse!
Vivaio storico di Sammichele di Bari accorsatissimo di piante anche antiche del comprensorio. Gentilezza e garbatezza dei figli, che continuano l'attività, sono alla base di una cultura e civiltà dalle radici solide e lontane. La domenica mattina vi è la possibilità dell'acquisto o prenotazione anche a Bitonto.
Questo non è un semplice vivaio, fornitissimo di piante ornamentali fruttifere ulivi e piante officinali, ciò che mi ha stupita è stato l’ambiente confortevole del personale 😍
Accoglienza e cordialità Esperienza e professionalità Racchiuso in un solo luogo Vivai Fortunato
Wow! Vivaio fornitissimo di ogni tipo di pianta. Da quelle da frutto a quelle ornamentali. Consigliatissimo 👍
Ottima esperienza, grande varietà di piante, trattate con gran zelo. Claudia é una ragazza espertissima che ti accompagnerà nella scelta più giusta. Prezzi migliori di tutti i vivai che ho testato nella zona. Davvero bravissimi, consigliatissimo.
fornitissimo di piante da giardino o da allevamento
Personale efficiente e veloce, qualità prezzo ottimo.. Ci tornerò sicuramente..
Vivaio super fornito di tutte le specie di piante da frutto lo consiglio
Persone che anno voglia di lavorare.
Eccellente azienda
Personale molto competente
Qui ho trovato un vastissimo assortimento varietale di piante da frutto unito ad un servizio onesto, cortese e professionale. Veramente consigliati
Esperienza e serietà li contraddistingue nel mondo del vivaismo pugliese
Legal residence:
Via A. Pacinotti, 12
70010 Sammichele di Bari (BA)
Via Canale km. 2,500
70010 Sammichele di Bari (BA)
Call us:
Tel: +39 080 891 00 69
Mobile: +39 333 859 00 27
Fax: +39 080 891 00 69
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